Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Artist of the Month - September

Brown Eyed Girls (브라운아이드걸스) - Abracadabra
Right.  It doesn't really get much hotter than this ^^

Turn on the closed captioning (little arrow on right lower corner -> CC) if you want to see English subtitles.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

My 632-photo weekend

Last Friday, it was chicken and beer with DK and his buddies, Saturday brought a pop concert in a baseball field at Duryu Park featuring many famous K-POP stars, then Sunday was back to the park for the International Body Painting Festival.  Since I've got a lot of sorting and uploading to Flickr, I'll just let a few pictures tell the story.

Mnet & TCN Big Concert September 2009

This cutie (above) is Chae Yeon, recently re-famous

I came to this concert expressly for this man.  His name is Outsider and, I have to say, he didn't disappoint.  If you haven't clicked or Googled him yet, you should know he is one of the world's fastest rappers.  It was truly a treat to see him live!
                                                                                  Talented group pictured at the right, Clazziquai, has been making music together for almost 10 years.
                                                                           <-----Pop sensations "One Two"
                                                                                  This group is called Cherry Filter and they actually... kind of... rock.
   He was a member of the former group Shinhwa Lee Min Woo, "M"

International Body Painting Festival 2009
This year's theme was "Human Nature" as in human meets nature/beast

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

H1N1 3DOW UP. D.

You know what H1N1 is.
Virus that causes Influenza A.
Swine flu.
I understand it's a big deal.

3 Days Off Work.

Un-Payed. Damn.

Because I spent 2 days in Japan getting a new visa at the end of last week, my principal
has disallowed me from coming to the school until this Friday. 7 day "quarantine" period. Yay.
I know you can't tell from text, but that's sarcastic, because I want the money.